In The Groove?
It started off as a really good week, Tuesday I was in Cambridge stewarding at the ERTF exhibition.
It was a really good day,
we had plenty of visitors and I met a new member, Sue she's a weaver and lives in Norwich. I also started at the gym this week, so far so good, I can still walk and feel a lot better knowing that I'm doing some exercise, I've been 3 times this week!
Wednesday the band that my son is in had a launch party near Smithfield Meat Market, at a place called Pure Groove, we felt old! However we weren't the oldest there Robin in the band is in his 70's I think! The band is called Gyratory System, I dont mind the music but I couldn't listen to it all the time. Everyone there seemed to enjoy it, the place was packed,last week their single was voted as the best new release of the week in the Guardian! The band before were 2 boys dressed as girls, with very bad makeup and clothes, when I said to my daughter that I could give them a couple of tips on how to apply lipstick I got a 'schooosh', their first song was all about cutting off their 'boy bits', not the words they used! As I said to my sons, mother in law, they were trying to shock, been there done that! Some of us remember Punk the first time round! And the first time it was better than the rubbish they were churning out, maybe I am too old! Before we went to the gig we had a lovely meal at SOS, if you watch Master Chef it's run by John Torode.
Today I took my Mum to Cambridge so she could have a look at the exhibition, have Lunch and have a look at the shops, she's had some very sad news another of her sisters has been told she's got cancer and doesn't have very long. My cousins have taken her to live with them, which is very sensible as they live quite a few miles from her. Mum wont be able to pop round the corner to see her, and to make it worse their eldest sister died at the start of the summer. My Mum is the youngest of 7 and has only one sister left, and they aren't close at all! I cant imagine how she feels, but I spent the day listening to her! When I left her she said how much she'd enjoyed the day and that it had helped not sitting at home thinking about things.
Oh! to end on a good note I have a follower, thanks Gina! I should also say that at the exhibition today I noticed that another piece of work has been sold, a felted piece of work.
Just had to let you know how much I enjoyed your exhibition. I am so glad that I got there before it finished.