This weekend passed in a flash, Saturday morning was spent a Mum's sorting things out. The estate agent called in, she wants to get the house on the market, she's arranging a 'show case' on the 31st July. We took two car loads of stuff to the charity shop. I took a few bits home a bag full of machine threads,embroidery threads also a large box of dressmaking patterns. You might have guessed Mum was a seamstress, before she married Dad she was as a tailoress and for as long as I can remember she always worked in the 'Rag Trade'. I'm looking forward to going through the patterns, I have already spotted the pattern used to make one of my aunts wedding dress, so I'm hoping that my wedding dress pattern will be there too!
Yesterday we went to James and Becky's to give them a bit of help titivating (I think that's the word)their house, they are planning on moving. James has changed jobs so they want to relocate closer to London and an underground station. I managed to get paint everywhere, I did get a bit on the doors too. Foolishly I didn't think I'd be doing very much so had on good jeans and t shirt, thankfully the paint has come out! I even took some stitching to do while I watched the others working, will I never learn! After a lovely lunch sitting in the garden, which received some tlc the day before from Becky's mum and sister, it was back to the painting.
But the most exciting part of the weekend was I made my first sale on ebay. I sold our old garden table and chairs, I'm really pleased with the amount they went for, there were 91 people watching them and 14 bids were made, just need them to be collected now. I've started looking at all sorts of things wondering what I could get for it, Dave's worried he'll get home from work and find I've sold all the furniture. I could be hooked on this ebay thing!
As a blog isn't a blog without an image here's the doll that I think I mentioned in a previous blog. I think she's lovely, she's sitting on a chair in the living room, she's wearing a nightdress that I wore when I as a baby. There is a mark on the back of her neck 'Reliable made in Canada'
Since my last post I've been on a much needed weeks holiday in Lanzarote. I can't tell you a thing about the country, we spent almost the whole week laying by the pool. It was lovely laying the sun reading and dozing, I did get a bit of stitching done too. We visited a couple of restaurants though, so no cooking at all, watching Spain win the world cup semi final in a Spanish restaurant was fun too! The only adventure we had was on the first evening when Dave shut the kitchen door before he realised that all the keys and phones where inside and the door wouldn't open from the outside. All the other doors and windows were locked! Luckily the people in the villa next door were with the same travel company as us they phoned the emergency number, a man turned up and with the use of sign language he let us back in, through a window, it's a very long story and I don't want you falling asleep with boredom! Other than that an uneventful holiday.
We arrived home to a very dry garden, apart from our vegetables, our neighbours who are by no stretch of the imagination gardeners offered to put their hose over the fence every few days to water them. They were as good as their word and did. Even James and Becky popped in a couple of times and watered the veggie patch. It is strange having to ask other people to do this for us Mum would usually have done it. In fact the garden would have been blooming as she would have tended it every day, maybe I'll have to think about the Lanzarote sort of garden, Cactus and Bougainvillea if this weather keeps up!
Interesting use of cacti as security! I certainly wouldn't want to climb through those spikes.
This morning I had a wonderful surprise in the post, thank you so much Gina.
Rachel came today to deliver some boxes, she's going on holiday soon and when she gets back she's moving home again.