Saturday, 20 October 2012

I am OK

Update on my numb leg, on Thursday morning I went to the GP hoping to get a referral letter to see a consultant privately. A nice young doctor about 12 I think!  He took my blood pressure, first my left arm then my right (strange I thought)  he asked me to lay on the couch and keeping my left leg straight raise it up, I couldn't!  He then told me he was going to dial 999 for an ambulance as he thought I'd had either a TIA or a Stroke, WHAT?????......... at this point I started to panic and had a bit of a cry........My poor husband had only just got to work  when I phoned him to let him know what was happening.  Once in the ambulance I was checked over  by the paramedics who said that my blood pressure was slightly raised (not a surprise after the shock) but not as high as the doctor had stated and my heart rate was almost normal. I was rushed into A&E and seen straight away by a lovely doctor who after examining me said he could assure me I'd had neither a Stroke or a TIA. I told him what had happened previously, holiday, dvt etc. and that I only wanted a letter of referral to see someone about my back and numb leg and he's arranged for me to see a Neurologist privately. In the meantime I had let Dave know the situation but by now he was already on the train and on his way to pick up the car from the doctors. OMG what a day, I know it was the GP being cautious but when he said my blood pressure was so high I did ask him to take it again using a different machine but he ignored me. It wasn't my usual GP and I will be making sure I don't go to see him again.

Apart from that excitement which I could have done without I have been getting on with my C&G homework, the colour wheel again! My first class is on Wednesday I've already  missed one because of the Holiday, I did consider asking if I could postponing it until after Christmas, but there are no stairs to climb. I'm going to see the Neurologist on Thursday so after that I will know what's happening, until then a few things are having to go on hold, a visit to a gallery in London but I'm having difficulty climbing stairs and there is noway going to London would be a pleasure at the moment and I can do without the stress to be honest.

The thing is you never know what life is going to throw at you do you, but from now on I'm going to watch what I say, after the previous visit to A&E  I said to Dave the quickest way to get seen was to go in by ambulance or get drunk and taken there by the police.......

Here's hoping for a very dull and uninteresting week.

Not a great photo of a colour wheel


  1. Gosh, what a week. Glad you are okay Miriam.

  2. OMG Miriam what a worry. Are you up for me popping over for a cuppa and a chat next week? Thinking if you xxx

  3. Hopefully the very nice man or woman will get you sorted on Thursday!

  4. My mother was rushed to hospital and diagnosed with a stroke Friday, Saturday, a different hospital, and no its not, its her heart. Must be something in the air. Hope your appointment goes well today.

  5. Yikes! You poor thing. Let's hope you can get this sorted soon.

  6. Glad to read that you are OK after all that!!

  7. Oh my! You and I have both been in the A&E wars last month!!! Well I'm well on the road to recovery and I hope they sort yours out soon to. It's all a bit scary though isn't it?
