Monday, 4 January 2010

The Material Girls Exhibition

The Material Girls Exhibition is getting closer, all my work is finished, well almost! Today Chrissythreads emailed me the flyer to put on the ERTF website,blog, this makes it real. Time for panic, not really!!!!! This is going to be a good start to my creative year.....
Tomorrow is the first meeting of Aqua-8 in our regular meeting place, we've booked a really lovely room in a Lodge, no stopping us now!

I went to the gym today for the first time this year, I have a pain in my right leg tonight hopefully I wont wake up in the morning with anymore aches,hope not I'm back there again on Wednesday!
see I said I was going to blog more often this year!


  1. I look forward to visiting your exhibition next month.
    You are good going to the gym, I'm too lazy!

  2. I will post the photos of the snow dyeing tomorrow. At the moment they are still outside 'cooking'. If it is successful I will post the recipe I used as well.
